Thursday, March 29, 2012

automating table creation

hi there.
moving from IBM DB2 to MS SQL server. i dont need to take the actual data fr
om the old db to the new one, but i would like to take the table structure.
in DB2, i could run through a ddl file that contained CREATE DATABASE, CREAT
E TABLE, etc. kinds of commands to automatically create tables, databases, a
nd the like. how exactly do i do this using MS SQL server? im thinking along
the lines of writing my own file, and then using something in SQL server to
basically read the file and execute the SQL commands. any ideas? thanks.
The easiest way is to generated the script, copy and paste it into Query
Analyser. Then run it. You may have some tweeking to do before it will
execute without error.
Alternatively, use osql to execute the DDL file.
-- Bill
"qin_23" <> wrote in message
> hi there.
> moving from IBM DB2 to MS SQL server. i dont need to take the actual
> data from the old db to the new one, but i would like to take the table
> structure. in DB2, i could run through a ddl file that contained CREATE
> DATABASE, CREATE TABLE, etc. kinds of commands to automatically create
> tables, databases, and the like. how exactly do i do this using MS SQL
> server? im thinking along the lines of writing my own file, and then
> using something in SQL server to basically read the file and execute
> the SQL commands. any ideas? thanks.
> qin_23
> --
> qin_23
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>|||alright. thanks it worked.

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