Thursday, March 29, 2012

Automating db Backups

Is there a way to automate (schedule) backups of the databases in SQL Express? Similar to Maintenance Plans in SQL2000....Hi

Mark McFarlane,

If you come accross anything reagrding automating a schedule backup,Pls let me know,
Have been on the look out for this some time now.
Will do likewise.
email :



not directly as SQL Server Agent is not provided, but you can workarond that using the OS provided native scheduler (AT or SCHTASKS)..

you can write down a cmd file like


REM scheduled backup

SqlCmd-E -S(Local) -Q"SET NOCOUNT ON; SELECT 'Backup executions started at - ' + CONVERT(varchar, GETDATE());" >d:\YourCheckFolder\ScheduledBCK.txt

SqlCmd-E -S(Local) -Q"SET NOCOUNT ON; SELECT 'backup database [db_name]'; PRINT '';" >>d:\YourCheckFolder\ScheduledBCK.txt

SqlCmd-E -S(Local) -Q"BACKUP DATABASE [db_name] TO DISK = N'D:\BackupFolder\db_name.Bak' WITH FORMAT, INIT, NAME = N'Full Database Backup', SKIP, NOREWIND, NOUNLOAD, STATS = 10" >>d:\YourCheckFolder\ScheduledBCK.txt

SqlCmd-E -S(Local) -Q"SET NOCOUNT ON; SELECT 'Backup terminated at - ' + CONVERT(varchar, GETDATE());" >>d:\YourCheckFolder\ScheduledBCK.txt

then you can schedule it as desired... the script will backup the db as required and will output the result of the task to a text file, d:\YourCheckFolder\ScheduledBCK.txt, you can later review to verify the performed operation...

in my own scenarios, I do add another "features".. I wrote a CLR assmbly exporting a stored procedure to "mimic" database mail feature (not present in SQLExpress) so that the "d:\YourCheckFolder\ScheduledBCK.txt" will be automatically sent to a defined list of recipients (sysadmins, dba or myself as well).. the component (amDBObj) is free and can be downloaded from .. feedback is apprecieted

the resulting script can be modified adding the

<add this>

REM adding SMTP mail to sysadmins, dba, etc of the backup operation result..

SqlCmd-E -S(Local) -Q"SET NOCOUNT ON; SELECT 'Mailing backup result of - ' + CONVERT(varchar, GETDATE());" >d:\YourCheckFolder\ScheduledBCK-mailing.txt

SqlCmd -E -S(Local) -Q"SET NOCOUNT ON; DECLARE @.ret int;EXEC @.ret = [db_hosting_the_CLR_assembly].[dbo].[amSMTPmail] @.Server = N'your_mail_server', @.Sender = N'', @.AddressesTO = N'', @.AddressesCC = N'', @.AddressesCCN = NULL, @.AttachFiles = N'd:\YourCheckFolder\ScheduledBCK.txt', @.Subject = N'Backup performed', @.MessageBody = N'Backup performed'; SELECT @.ret AS [Execution result];" >>d:\YourCheckFolder\ScheduledBCK-mailing.txt

</add this>

or whatever required change to the original cmd file...



hi Andrea Montanari ,

That was very informative. Is there any other way to run and schedule jobs. Also, what about SSIS in express edition. Do have to install them seperately. Thanks


UMAR DAR wrote:

hi Andrea Montanari ,

That was very informative. Is there any other way to run and schedule jobs.

hy, perhaps you can have a look at a great artice (and tool) by Jasper Smith, SQL Server MVP, at and, based on WinNT native scheduler as well... but all these are not SQL Server jobs, as SQLExpress does not provide SQL Server Agent...

UMAR DAR wrote:

Also, what about SSIS in express edition. Do have to install them seperately. Thanks

SSIS are not available as well, in SQLEpress edition..



I have a similar solution posted here that's not incredibly elegant but it works just fine. It goes through and backs up all databases in a given instance and there is an included batch file to schedule it. The video deployment instructions can be seen here:

or written instructions here:

-- Brian

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