I've a table of Users with an identity key
Some records are inserted by a replication system which sends records with
key like 2-4-6-8 ...
and put them into the table with a INSERT sql
Other records are inserted via web
I need that the records inserted via web takes a key like 1-3-5-7 ...
I've set the identity seed to 1 and identity increment to 2
I've made a test
1. Inserted some record by replication system
2. If I try to insert a new record manually (by enterprise manager) the new
key is a par number instead of an odd
What's wrong?
Can you help me?Why don't you instead of doing that create another field called Origin
make it a bit when it's from the web give it a value of 1 otherwise 0
Your identity will be Old Key + 2 (that's your increment)
"Denis" wrote:
> Hello
> I've a table of Users with an identity key
> Some records are inserted by a replication system which sends records with
> key like 2-4-6-8 ...
> and put them into the table with a INSERT sql
> Other records are inserted via web
> I need that the records inserted via web takes a key like 1-3-5-7 ...
> I've set the identity seed to 1 and identity increment to 2
> I've made a test
> 1. Inserted some record by replication system
> 2. If I try to insert a new record manually (by enterprise manager) the ne
> key is a par number instead of an odd
> What's wrong?
> Can you help me?
> What's wrong?
Is the property "not for replication" set in this identity column?
When the values are inserted from the replication, sql server takes that
number as the last identity value inserted in the table, so if the las value
was 8 then when you insert from the web using "set identity_insert t1 off"
will increment that value with the identity increment 8+2 and this will be
the next value to be inserted.
create table t1(
c1 int not null identity(1, 2)
insert into t1 default values
insert into t1 default values
insert into t1 default values
set identity_insert t1 on
insert into t1(c1) values(2)
insert into t1(c1) values(4)
insert into t1(c1) values(6)
insert into t1(c1) values(8)
set identity_insert t1 off
insert into t1 default values
select * from t1 order by c1 asc
drop table t1
"Denis" wrote:
> Hello
> I've a table of Users with an identity key
> Some records are inserted by a replication system which sends records with
> key like 2-4-6-8 ...
> and put them into the table with a INSERT sql
> Other records are inserted via web
> I need that the records inserted via web takes a key like 1-3-5-7 ...
> I've set the identity seed to 1 and identity increment to 2
> I've made a test
> 1. Inserted some record by replication system
> 2. If I try to insert a new record manually (by enterprise manager) the ne
> key is a par number instead of an odd
> What's wrong?
> Can you help me?
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